Small Steps in Sustainability

Hey everyone! 

You might have remembered me from the Summer Teen Volunteer Program Glassroots hosted this summer. On the Glassroots Instagram, I answered questions regarding the climate crisis, reducing my carbon footprint, and my volunteering experience. I was truly honored to participate in this program. I learned so much about the process at Glass Half Full and the Glassroots initiative. (I even made a new friend, hey Audrey!)

I spent the week with Glassroots/Glass Half Full because I am passionate about giving back to my community and learning about greener ways of life. I collect glass and cans in my house. When I am out, I try to pick up litter and place it in the trash can. I even still use the same water bottle a friend gave me when I was in 7th grade. Currently, I’m a senior striving to become a civil engineer with a focus on environmental studies. I want to attend a school in-state so I can help the environment like the folks at Glass Half Full!

If you are passionate about sustainability, start with research. Of course, you can follow Glassroots and Glass Half Full, but you should also watch YouTube videos on how to start small. It is easier to start small rather than piling on everything at once! My tip is to grow a small herb garden in your backyard or window. I find growing herbs rewarding because they are easy to grow, and you can save money. Chives, mint, dill, basil, and cilantro are some of my favorites to grow. Once again, start small with one or two herbs in your window herb garden, and then you can grow from there!

Another way is to, of course, recycle. I recommend starting with a waste material you throw out a lot. If this is glass, cardboard/paper, or metals, collect them for a week and then bring them to your local recycling center. As you collect your metals and glass, you should empty any contaminants, give it a quick rinse, and leave it to dry. If you live in the Greater New Orleans area, you can bring glass and metal to the Glass Half Full recycling centers throughout the city.

I recommend following Glass Half Full AND Glassroots to stay updated! And remember, save a bottle, and save the coast!

Link to herb garden Youtube video: